Our online handbook is your source for all details related to the exam and getting certified. You don't want to skip out on reading this.

Get Certified
Learn about the steps you need to take on your journey to earning your OTR or COTA certification.
Your certification journey starts here and we’re ready to help you along the way
This is the starting point for any OT or OTA student who is finishing up their coursework and starting to think about the NBCOT certification exam. Below is everything you need to get started on the path towards becoming a #futureOTR or #futureCOTA.
Don't skip out on reading this before you apply.
We are here to help guide you through the process of earning your national board certification. Our team is committed to providing you with the resources you need.

Learn what is covered on the exam. Before you begin studying, review this important information.

94% of students say that the StudyPack is an effective exam preparation tool.

Review the services available to you as you prepare to apply for the exam.
Stay Connected
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