NBCOT on the Virtual Road
Our presentations and outreach looked a little different in 2020, but we still found ways to connect with certificants and students.
Our presentations and outreach looked a little different in 2020. A lot of students and certificants have now seen our home offices. So thankful to the individual who created the blur background feature! We are grateful for the opportunity to provide information to students, certificants, and regulators. We have been involved in a variety of virtual presentations and meetings this year:
- Presented to over 2,600 students from 118 OT and OTA programs
- Attended 18 state association meetings
- Attended 11 state board meetings
- Provided the regulatory community with our Occupational Therapy State Regulatory Leadership Forum
- Participated in joint webinars with AOTA on the OT Compact, certification, and preparing for the certification exam
We are working on providing presentations to you, our certificants, about the benefits available to you for maintaining your national certification. Our staff will answer questions and guide you through the products and services that you can access. Watch for an email with more details coming soon.
The year 2021 will likely bring more virtual presentations, but we are so happy that we can continue to provide information on NBCOT, the certification exam, the value of certification, and our products and services.