AOTA/NBCOT Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact Initiative Update
We are pleased to share this update from Dan Logsdon from the National Center for Interstate Compacts regarding progress that is being made on the joint AOTA/NBCOT Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact Initiative.
The Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact initiative is steadily moving forward to create an occupational licensure compact for the OT profession with support from AOTA and NBCOT. The Advisory Group for the project held its initial meeting during the last week of October 2019 in Washington, DC. Since that initial meeting, the Advisory Group has convened by phone to develop recommendations for the project Drafting Team, which will meet in late February to begin drafting the text of the compact.
The Drafting Team is expected to complete a draft compact in early May. That document will then go back to the Advisory Group for comment before being distributed to stakeholders for comment in the summer of 2020.
The project team is determined to have a draft ready for consideration by state legislatures in 2021.
Dan Logsdon
Director, National Center for Interstate Compacts
The Council of State Governments
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Chuck Willmarth, CAE
Vice President of State Affairs and Health Policy
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

Shaun Conway, OTR
Senior Director, External & Regulatory Affairs
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)