NBCOT Receives Major Award
This award recognizes NBCOT for taking an innovative approach to a product that transformed and achieved a new level of success in a unique and innovative way.
NBCOT Receives Prestigious Industry Award
NBCOT was awarded the first-ever ICE Innovator Award at the ICE Exchange Conference today in Austin, TX. This award recognizes NBCOT for creating an innovative approach to a product that transformed and achieved a new level of success in a unique and innovative way, with the Navigator®. ICE, the Institute for Credentialing Excellence, is a Washington, DC-based professional membership association for organizations and individuals who work and/or provide services to the credentialing industry. This is the third major award that NBCOT has received for its Navigator Competency Assessment Platform.
In 2016, NBCOT’s Navigator received the Judges’ Choice Award for Most Innovative New Product Demonstration by the Association of Test Publishers and was presented with the Silver Award at the Serious Play Conference. Along with these awards, Navigator is recognized by 40 states and the District of Columbia as an option for NBCOT certificants to satisfy, in part, state’s requirements toward licensure renewal. “Recognition at this level by both the certification and serious gaming communities for the Navigator’s groundbreaking assessment platform is a milestone that no other certification body has achieved to date. The development of the platform is directly linked to the synergy of subject matter volunteer OTR practitioners, consultants, and NBCOT staff,” said NBCOT’s president Paul Grace.
NBCOT is proud to be acknowledged for the Navigator’s innovative and dynamic competency assessment platform that provides accessible, engaging, and dynamic tools for OTR® and COTA® certificants. Navigator currently houses over 100 tools to support certificant’s ongoing practice development by providing customized feedback on current practice skills along with access to evidence-based resources.
NBCOT continues to grow Navigator, with 4 new case simulations scheduled to launch in 2019.
To access Navigator, log in to your MyNBCOT profile.