New Case Simulations Released for the Navigator
Four new case simulations for OTRs and one new case simulation for COTAs were released in 2023. You can earn up to 36 units for free with the Navigator, and these units can be applied to certification renewal and are accepted as an option for licensure renewal in most states.

Veteran Experiencing Homelessness — The focus of this case is a veteran who has serious mental illness, substance use, and is experiencing homelessness. The certificant must balance the needs of the individual, while taking into consideration the culture of being unhoused. The certificant will be encouraged to view the complexity of the case when viewing it through the lens of the person, occupation, and environment.
Available for OTR and COTA

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) — In this case simulation, an adolescent with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is referred to school-based OT services in high school. The adolescent is experiencing functional changes after a spinal surgery and is coping with the emotional distress resulting from a decrease in function. The OTR works with the adolescent to determine appropriate accommodations, supports, and strategies to support the adolescent’s success at school.
Available for OTR

Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury — In this case simulation, a Navajo adolescent is referred to OT services in an outpatient rehabilitation clinic after experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) 5 weeks ago. The client is experiencing cognitive and motor deficits secondary to the TBI diagnosis. The OTR works with the client and parent to provide interventions that focus on occupational engagement to increase the client’s success at home, school, and in community settings.
Available for OTR

Cardiac Rehabilitation — In this case simulation, an adult patient receives occupational therapy services after a myocardial infarction and emergent coronary artery bypass surgery. The patient participates in cardiac rehabilitation across the continuum of care, including acute care and outpatient settings. The OTR works with the patient and the spouse to provide interventions that focus on sternal precaution education, caregiver training, ADL participation, and return to work.
Available for OTR