Interim Degree Verification Policy Announcement
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose challenges to our entire community. With university campuses across the country remaining closed, NBCOT is aware that many students are experiencing delays in receiving their official final transcript, which may in turn lead to delays in sitting for the certification exam. While NBCOT’s Academic Credential Verification Form (ACVF) policy remains on hold and under review during the COVID-19 crisis, we have introduced an interim policy to allow students who have completed all degree and graduation requirements to sit for their certification exam prior to receiving their official final transcript.
Under NBCOT’s Interim Degree Verification policy, students enrolled in an ACOTE-accredited occupational therapy education program may request that their university or college registrar submit an Interim Degree Verification Form (IDVF) on their behalf if they have successfully completed all degree and graduation requirements, including occupational therapy education and Level I and Level II Fieldwork, and are scheduled to graduate with an associate, baccalaureate, entry-level master’s, or entry-level doctoral degree. Students enrolled in a doctoral experiential component (i.e., doctoral capstone) may request that their university/college registrar submit an IDVF on their behalf if they have successfully completed all other degree and graduation requirements. Please note that the student’s pass/fail status will not be released until NBCOT has received an official final transcript from the university/college from which the student graduated that confirms their DEGREE DATE and DEGREE TITLE.
The Interim Degree Verification policy is a temporary measure intended to assist students who are delayed in graduating or receiving their official final transcript due to the COVID-19 pandemic. NBCOT will continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on students’ ability to sit for their certification exam and will determine how long the policy will remain in place and whether any adjustments to the interim policy are required going forward. At this time, NBCOT is continuing to review the ACVF policy, and will determine if and when that policy will be reinstated and whether any changes are required prior to reinstatement.
More information about the Interim Degree Verification policy, including the steps required for submitting the IDVF, can be found by here.