Important Information About NBCOT Test Administrations
Due to the alarming increase in COVID cases in recent weeks and data that indicates it will continue to rise until a vaccine is released and administered, many jurisdictions are already enacting restrictive social distancing or business occupancy guidelines. These measures may result in changes to the operating status of local Prometric testing centers. If this occurs, candidates may expect cancellations of existing appointments or challenges in finding a convenient exam appointment.
Prometric has implemented enhanced operational policies designed to mitigate the risk of transmission of the virus in the test center environment. Despite these measures, there may be instances where an individual appears at a testing center who subsequently tests positive for the virus. In these situations, Prometric will follow its defined safety plan that may include temporarily closing the testing center to perform extensive cleaning procedures. Candidates should anticipate potential appointment cancellations in such cases. If a candidate’s exam is canceled by Prometric, rescheduling fees will not apply.
Finally, as we head into winter, severe weather conditions may impact the ability of a center to open and deliver exams as scheduled. Site closures are listed on the Prometric website.
NBCOT will continue to waive the fee to reissue ATT letters at this time. ATT letters will remain valid for 180 days and exam applications will be valid for six months.*
If you experience multiple cancellations and continue to have difficulty rescheduling, please email NBCOT at credentialingservices@nbcot.org. While we are not able to schedule appointments for you, a member of our staff will contact Prometric to make them aware of the scheduling challenges and advocate on your behalf. Please remember that scheduling and availability continue to evolve. You will receive a reply from NBCOT within two business days after receiving your request.
It is important to review the social distancing policies that are in place, which you will be expected to comply with when you arrive for your exam administration appointment. Remember that you must bring your own face mask/covering to your appointment or you will not be allowed to test. Masks with exhale/one-way valves or masks with wearable technology are prohibited in test centers.
The NBCOT OTR® and COTA® examinations have been evaluated as an essential service and the delivery of our exams will continue at both full and limited occupancy test centers as well as sites deemed for essential administrations only.
Please stay safe and wear a mask.
Paul Grace
President/CEO, NBCOT
*These are temporary measures intended to assist students who are applying and scheduling to take their exam during the COVID-19 pandemic. NBCOT will continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on students’ ability to sit for their certification exam and will determine how long the change in the policies will remain in place and whether any adjustments to the changes are required going forward.