NBCOT by the Numbers in 2022
We've compiled information on students preparing for their exams, products and services for certificants, and general information about NBCOT.
NBCOT receives requests to share data* with our stakeholders. We have compiled information on students preparing for the OTR and COTA exams, products and services for certificants, and general information about NBCOT as an organization.
Information Relevant to Students Preparing for the OTR or COTA Exams
Out of the students who participated in a survey after they passed the exam:
stated the NBCOT Exam StudyPack was an effective tool to use while preparing for the exam.
agreed that the StudyPack helped them feel more prepared.
believed the StudyPack improved their performance on the exam.
are likely to recommend the StudyPack to a peer.
NBCOT provided students with the opportunity to win free Aspire study tools and free certification exams at the annual conference and through many online contests. More than 1,500 free items have been awarded since 2021.
NBCOT has supported the COTAD Chapter of the Year since 2021. Since that time, we have provided members of the winning Chapter with free StudyPacks. We have also provided a free certification exam to be raffled off to one Chapter member.
Virtual presentations NBCOT has provided to OT and OTA students since 2021.
OT state association conferences NBCOT has presented at since 2021.
The fee to take the NBCOT exam has remained at $515 since 2016. The cost to retake the exam was reduced to $385 at the beginning of January 2022.
Pass rate information on the OTR and COTA exams can be found on our website.
In 2021, NBCOT received just 43 exam administration/technical complaints out of 18,000+ exams administered.
Information Regarding Products and Services for OTR and COTA Certificants
Renewal rate for 2022
Renewal rates have exceeded 90% for more than 15 years.
of the 2022 renewal class was satisfied with their renewal experience.
of the 2022 renewal class reported they were satisfied with NBCOT’s products and services.
The fee to renew OTR or COTA certification has remained the same for more than 20 years at $65.
Total OTR Population
New OTRs since 2021
Total COTA Population
New COTAs since 2021
38 OTRs
applied for the NBCOT Impact Award.
42 OTRs
13 COTAs
applied for the NBCOT Innovation Award.
116 OTRs
29 COTAs
applied for the open positions on the NBCOT Board of Directors this year.
Navigator tools used by OTRs and COTAs this year.
CAUs earned by OTRs and COTAs from the Navigator. These are units earned at no additional cost and are accepted by 45 states as an option for licensure renewal.
OTRs and COTAs who have utilized practice assessments that launched earlier this year.
General Information
Number of OTRs NBCOT has on staff in the Competency Assessment, Competency Tool Development, and External & Regulatory Affairs departments.
Ambassadors representing NBCOT across the U.S. at OT meetings, conferences, and events.
State regulatory board meetings attended by ambassadors and NBCOT staff since 2021.
Volunteers NBCOT has from across the U.S. supporting us on various committees for exam development, study tool development, competency tool development, and other special committees needed on an ad hoc basis.
$3 million+
Grants and scholarships funded by NBCOT with the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) since 2011.
NBCOT has maintained accreditation with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for 19 years and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) for 16 years.
*All data as of 07/27/2022